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When I think about Paul, I remember a passionate man who held his family and friends dear. I also remember a brilliant technologist and philanthropist who wanted to accomplish great things, and did.

@_Ko1i:不让带东西你们明白了吗,就是因为得寸进尺的人太多了@闻刀水寒:得寸进丈了吧…带苹果梨香蕉桔子都可以啊,咋不带个榴莲呢?@browniesiu:然后吐一地的西瓜籽 优秀@圣安妮的小屋:带西瓜不让进很可以理解啊,这位也太狠了,要不要带电饭锅啊?



As the first person I ever partnered with, Paul set a standard that few other people could meet. He had a wide-ranging mind and a special talent for explaining complicated subjects in a simple way. Since I was lucky enough to know him from such a young age, I saw that before the rest of the world did. As a teenager, I was curious about (of all things) gasoline. What did “refining” even mean? I turned to the most knowledgeable person I knew. Paul explained it in a super-clear and interesting way. It was just one of many enlightening conversations we would have over the coming decades.

2014年5月,曾在大众、戴姆勒、PSA 等国际知名车企工作的 Jean-Marc Gales 加入路特斯出任CEO。他表示,上任初期,路特斯共有1200名员工,但年产量不足1200辆。财报显示,2012-2013财年,路特斯曾宣布公司面临1.6亿英镑(约合14.13亿元人民币)巨额亏损;2015-2016财年,路特斯息税前亏损依然高达1630万英镑(约合1.44亿元人民币)。
